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Note: Desktop Phishing to hack Paypal account password is illegal. I am not responsible for any action done by you. Hack Paypal account password at your own risk.

What is Desktop Phishing???

Desktop Phishing is one more method of Phishing useful to hack email account passwords. Not only email passwords, but you can hack any account password of site you want. In simple Phishing, hacker has to send phisher to victim to his inbox and you have to wait for victim to login with out sent Phisher.

But, in Desktop Phishing, you only have to send the Phisher Arm (If it's phisher in phishing, we call it phisher arm in Desktop Phishing). You have to run server on your computer and save fake page of the website you wanna hack password, in directory of this server.

Now, when you have sent Phisher Arm(I will explain how to make one), ask the victim to install the Phisher Arm(Social Engineering). After installation, whenever victim tries to visit, his browser will show him our Paypal Phisher fake page. When he tries to login to his Paypal account using our Paypal Phisher, his paypal id and password will be recorded in server directory on your computer... thus you can hack Paypal account password.

That's it. Our goal to hack Paypal account password achieved using Desktop Phishing. In my next article, I will write step-by-step procedure to hack Paypal account password using Desktop Phishing. One can hack any email account password using Desktop Phishing. I have just taken example of If you have any problem in using Desktop Phishing to hack Paypal account password, just mention it in comments.

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