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Let’s say you’ve bought an iPhone App through the Apple’s App Store for US$15. A fortnight later, you realized that the developer decided to run a special promotion and removed the price tag for a few days. This is when you start to regret of purchasing the app at the wrong time. Well, this is when FreeAppAlert comes in really handy. It notifies you whenever a paid iPhone/iPod Touch just became free for a limited time.

On its homepage, it displays a whole list of newly and recently free apps for users to download at no cost. Besides visiting the page on a frequent basis, you can also get notified by following FreeAppAlert on Twitter and Facebook, subscribing to its RSS feeds or even receiving the latest updates via email. Although it looks relatively quite simple, but it does really benefits iPhone addicts who aren’t willing to burn a hole in their pocket to purchase paid apps. Of course, they would rather wait for promotional codes.

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