Are you a blog owner that is looking to make some serious extra cash? Blogging is just about the most popular formof news website today. For the people who have been blogging and blogging day in and day out, I have wonderful news for you! It is time to get paid! I realize that many of you bloggers out there have no doubt discovered the wonderful world of publisher networks such as Google Adsense; well good for you! It is very good to run those adds on the side of your site and make yourself a couple hundred dollars a month for doing nothing right? Well, with you don't have to work any harder than you do right now, all you need to do is just keep blogging day after day. When you become a member and register your blog with, you can browse through the opportunities they provide you, immediately! The opportunities vary from $2.50 - $35.00 or better. Picture it like this; an “ opportunity” is like a job being posted on a bulletin board. You can browse them and choose the ones that best suit you, or choose them all. There is no catch, you simply choose an opportunity, view the publisher's requirements, which could be linking to their site and writing a 20 word review about them on your Blog for $4.00, or maybe linking to them and posting an image along with 100 word review for maybe $10.00 or more! When you have completed the post on your blog, simply submit it back to, and there you go, you just made yourself a bit of cash!
So, Does it all sound a bit “too good to be true”? I thought so to! So, I decided to check it out. Let me tell you, there is nothing to it! Sign up for free, register your blog site, choose an opportunity, complete it, and get paid! It is actually a lot of fun! The only down side is that for the first month you will not see the money in hand. This is because will review your post as soon as you submit it to them after completely the opportunity task. They then will file it away for 30 days. After these 30 days they will bring you post up again and make sure that you have left it live for at least one month, if you have, you get paid! So, complete as many opportunity tasks as possible in the first 30 days, and next month, you will be rolling in the money! You really
can’t go wrong, if you have a blog and like to make money, check out
So, Does it all sound a bit “too good to be true”? I thought so to! So, I decided to check it out. Let me tell you, there is nothing to it! Sign up for free, register your blog site, choose an opportunity, complete it, and get paid! It is actually a lot of fun! The only down side is that for the first month you will not see the money in hand. This is because will review your post as soon as you submit it to them after completely the opportunity task. They then will file it away for 30 days. After these 30 days they will bring you post up again and make sure that you have left it live for at least one month, if you have, you get paid! So, complete as many opportunity tasks as possible in the first 30 days, and next month, you will be rolling in the money! You really
can’t go wrong, if you have a blog and like to make money, check out