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Stumbleupon is one of the best social bookmarking sites in the world. You will be getting tons of visitors from it, if you uses it properly. From my experience it’s true. The main source of visitors to my blogs are referred by stumbleupon. But, in order to get huge visitors, you need to know – how to optimize and build up your blog and stumbleupon profile for getting more stumbles. I have read so many tips for it and had even created some from my experiences. I’ll describe briefly about them through this simple Guide for stumbleupon.
  1. Tag your article under correct Tags.If your tag changes, then you may won’t get the visitors who loves to read such articles and vice verse.
  2. Give great importance to the Title you gave to the stumble. It is known that stumble upon have great love towards articles named as “top 10 ____” ,”‘What is____”, “how to _____”, “the complete list of ____” etc.
  3. Add a stumbleupon Badge to your blog posts – encourage your readers to give you one thumbs.
  4. Join in groups and create lots of friends in stumbleupon. Your community will be having great influence on the stumbles you get.
  5. Add more and more friends who are willing to help you and loves to read/stumble your articles.
  6. Send the URL of your posts directly to the browsers of your friends. Ask them a stumble in a polite way.
  7. Don’t let your friends think that you are making use of them.Instead, do favors back to them also.Read their articles.Stumble them before they tells you to do so and subscribe to his/her favorites. Let them consider the friendship with you as a mutual relationship !
  8. Make use of stumble exchanging sites like stumbleudon and suexchange. They really works in bringing you more stumbles and there by more traffic.
  9. Optimize your page loading page. Stumblers may won’t like to wait for your big page to load. They may push the button to go to another stumble !
  10. Decrease the number of ads in your post. Stumblers will get angry if you hesitate them with lots of ads. The more number of posts you have, the less stumble you gets. Remove pop-up and toolbar ads for best result.

Just try to put these tips in practice. I’m sure that there will be an increase in your page views within a week. I’ll be coming with more tips soon.

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