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Please take note that this article is meant for those that lost their Windows user login password, it is illegal to perform this task on another person’s computer without their knowledge. Please use the following method wisely.

The tutorials are fairly simply, it does not require an intensive knowledge in computing to go about recovering your lost password.

Ophcrack is a Windows User Login Password Cracker

Ophcrack is a Windows password cracker based on a time-memory trade-off using rainbow tables. This is a new variant of Hellman’s original trade-off, with better performance. It recovers 99.9% of alphanumeric passwords in seconds.

What makes ophcrack so powerful is the ability to crack Microsoft Windows user login password with the LiveCD function, no installation needed. LiveCD boots up before windows does, thus allowing it to load and starts cracking your Windows XP and Vista login password, this bootable feature makes sense because without your password you are completely log out of your own computer.

The only drawback of the cracker is when it comes to cracking passwords with alphanumeric more than 15 characters, fear not, the good news is, how many people actually have a 15 character password? Probably that is why you’re reading this post because you have a password that is so long that you’ve somehow forgotten about it, am I right? Anyway the software is free and here are some of the unique features:

  • Runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
  • Loads hashes from encrypted SAM recovered from a Windows partition.
  • Bootable directly from the CD.

Note that the it only runs on Mac powered by intel processor, older Macs powered by Motorola G5 processor are not compatible.

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