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So you’re at work or school and you want to check your profile or watch a YouTube video. Lo and behold, it’s blocked. Now you have two options - be productive or try and bypass the filter. Usually one would choose the latter, but how would you do that? Here’s some options.


The xB Browser is a whole web browser based on FireFox portable. It routes you via the Tor network. The down side? The Tor Network can be a bit slow and unreliable, but for the most part it looks and works just like a regular FireFox portable installation. It deletes all traces after exit. XeroBank also offers a monthly plan for their private, faster network.


This has recently become my favorite software tool for bypassing blocked web sites. UltraSurf is seriously one of the best tools for the job. There is no install, so download the “exe” file onto a USB drive and run it whenever you need it.

When you open it up, it will open Internet Explorer with the UltraSurf homepage. From there the web is your oyster.

But why do I like it so much? First of all, it’s fast, it routes you through a possible three servers so you get highly reliable speeds. Second, it uses IE which is what you have if you’re on IT lockdown, so it doesn’t look suspicious and you don’t need to have two different browsers open at the same time. Also, since it uses your existing browser, things like Flash and Java will work like normal. Once you close UltraSurf it will erase your history and cookies.

Remote Access

Simply log on to your home computer with LogMeIn’s Java viewer or whatever else you use and browse the internet from your own computer! It might lag a bit, but it works great! You can also use any software on your computer, too.


This one is interesting. If you have access to email, you have access to WebToMail. Just send an email to with the URL as the subject and wait a few minutes and you’ll get an email with the web page. Unfortunately, it won’t work with sites that you need to login to, or websites with Flash or Java, but works with most other pages.


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