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Optimizing a website’s landing page for mobile viewing is not an easy task. That’s what is trying to solve. They aim to provide an easy way for developers to produce a mobile version of websites in just a few hours of work.

This will allow you to make a faster loading mobile version of your website. You can choose which elements you want to include and upload custom images optimized for mobile viewing. This means that you can lower the bandwidth cost of loading your site on a mobile device. Resizing images is one way of doing it.

You can also customize your links, pages and edit CSS. Mobify also supports DNS redirects. This means that your mobile site will not lose its URL structure when you use your mobile URL (e.g.: users are also provided with a JavaScript snippet that detects mobile devices which will drive mobile users to your mobile URL.

Mobile site (if it exists at all) is separate in terms of content management flow and URL structure, creating SEO challenges. Unless a site has a dedicated tech team or is using a framework with decent mobile functionality (aside from WordPress, there isn’t many), this is difficult.

Developing a mobile presence is a lot of work. Device detection, image resizing, content syncing… Mobile used to be difficult. Mobifying a complete site takes from 5 minutes (a blog) to several hours (a complex Portal like TechVibes).

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